Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Quilt-Festival 2014

A few days ago the Association of Swiss Quilters held it's Quilt-Festival 2014 in Solothurn. I went to see the exhibits and here are a few of my favorites from the galleries where photographing was allowed. These exhibits and the one seen in Neuchâtel helped me to understand what kind of quilts I'm really interested in sewing myself. Still to be seen here in the future.

Vor wenigen Tagen fand in Solothurn das Quilt-Festival 2014 der Vereinigung Schweizer Quilter statt. Ich habe mir die Ausstellungen angeschaut und hier sind ein paar wenige Fotos der Arbeiten (aus den Bereichen, wo Fotografieren erlaubt war), die mir gefallen haben. Diese Ausstellungen und auch jene in Neuenburg haben mir geholfen zu verstehen, welche Art von Quilts mich wirklich interessiert selbst zu nähen. Auch in Zukunft hier zu sehen.

Pochi giorni fa c'è stato a Solothurn il Quilt-Festival 2014 dell'Associazione Svizzera del Patchwork. Vi mostro alcuni dei miei quilt preferiti dei reparti dove era lecito fotografare. Queste esposizioni e anche quella a Neuchâtel mi hanno aiutato a capire il tipo di quilts che a me personalmente davvero interessa cucire. Da vedersi qui in futuro.

Rosen für Magdolna, Rita Merten

Viviane + Barbara in der Puszta, Barbara Heller

Pitypang Dandelion, Mriana Szipl-Kovacs

Strange Water, Jacqueline Eisenring

Break Through, Barbara Weeks

Spring (left), nn (right), Maryline Collioud-Robert

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