Monday, May 5, 2014

Carrément Patch - Retrospect

Yesterday I took a nice train ride to Neuchâtel to see the Exhibition Carrément Patch of the Neuchâtel Patchwork guild. 49 quilts where shown at the city hall. It's no little task to organize such an exhibit, non the less because of the difficulty in finding adequate and affordable exhibition space. Congratulations to the guild for a job well done and the excellent presentation of the quilts.
As it was OK to take pictures I'm happily going to share with you a few of my personal favorites. Looking at these pictures I realize once more that I must have a crush on reds.

Eine wunderschöne Zugfahrt hat mich gestern nach Neuchâtel gebracht, wo ich die Ausstellung Carrément Patch der Neuchâtel Patchwork-Gilde besucht habe. 49 Quilts wurden in den Eingangshallen des Rathauses gezeigt. Es ist keine Kleinigkeit solch eine Ausstellung zu organisieren, nicht zuletzt weil es extrem schwierig ist, geeignete und bezahlbare Räumlichkeiten zu finden. Glückwunsch an die Gilde für die geleistete Arbeit und die gediegene Präsentation der Quilts.
Das Fotografieren war erlaubt und so freue ich mich, hier ein paar meiner persönlichen Lieblinge zeigen zu können. Wenn ich mir diese Bilder anschaue fällt mir auf, dass ich eine Vorliebe für Rottöne haben muss (was mich jetzt nicht komplett überrascht).

Ieri sono andata a Neuchâtel per vedere l'esposizione Carrément Patch del Gruppo Neuchâtel Patchwork. 49 quilts sono stati esposti nel municipio della città. Non è cosa da poco organizzare una tale esposizione, sopratutto perché è difficilissimo trovare dei locali adatti e pagabili. Quindi auguri al Gruppo per un lavoro ben fatto e l'accurata presentazione dei quilts.
Era lecito fotografare e sono contenta di potervi mostrare alcuni dei miei personalmente preferiti. A guardare queste foto mi accorgo una volta di più che i colori rossi mi piacciono proprio molto.

Measurements - Masse - misure : 90 x 90 cm

Sur nos monts by Marie-Louise Rosselet

Contresens by Marie-Louise Rosselet

Echange 2 by Jacqueline Dodi

Le rende-vous des tissus d'hier by Thérèse Grubenmann 

Ronde des saisons by Mijo Franchini

Andrinople by Zibull Masson

Regain by Isabel Schneider

Safran by Lucienne Hool

Coupé-recoupé by Jacqueline Meier

Radiance by Maryline Collioud, who's blog Mary & Patch I follow since years!

I can't wait to stop writing this and get back to my sewing machine!

Ich kann es kaum erwarten, mit diesem Post fertig zu werden und zurück zur Nähmaschine zu gehen!

Non vedo l'ora di finire questo post e tornare alla macchina da cucire!

Update: More pictures of the exhibit now on Mary & Patch

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful collection, each with lovely bright colours. The reds truly stand out don't they. I also enjoy following Maryline's blog, which led me here.
