Wednesday, February 5, 2014

New Quilt - Neuer Quilt - Nuovo quilt

Of course while working on Dresda's binding I already started a new quilt. After Lotsa Dots, Lazzo and Dresda that were all made of new purchased fabric I really felt the urge of making again one with recycled fabric like I did for Eye-teaser. I looked through my stash of disposed clothes and pulled out these. Meanwhile I have decided on the project and I'm not going to use the pile to the left. All the others will go into the new quilt I'm making. And because most of these clothes were either purchased or worn during a vacation in Bali (19 years ago!) I'm going to name this quilt accordingly.

Selbstverständlich habe ich nach Dresda längst einen neuen Quilt begonnen. Nach Lotsa Dots, Lazzo und Dresda, die alle aus neu gekauften Stoffen gemacht sind, spürte ich den grossen Drang, wieder einen aus recycelten Stoffen zu machen, so wie bei Augenkitzel. So habe ich meinen Stapel an ausgetragenen Kleidern durchsucht und diese herausgezogen. In der Zwischenzeit habe ich entschieden, was ich machen will und den linken Stapel werde ich in diesem Projekt nicht verwenden. All die anderen werden in diesen neuen Quilt einfliessen. Und weil die meisten dieser Kleider während eines Urlaubs auf Bali (vor 19 Jahren!) entweder gekauft oder getragen wurden, werde ich den Quilt entsprechend nennen.

Naturalmente ho già incominciato a cucire un altro quilt. Dopo Lotsa Dots, Lazzo e Dresda che sono tutti fatti con stoffe comprate nuove, avevo tanta voglia di farne uno con stoffe riciclate, come feci con Solletica l'Occhio. Quindi ho rivisto la mia pila di vestiti scartati e ho tirato fuori questi. Nel frattempo ho deciso cosa voglio fare e non userò la pila sinistra mentre tutto il resto si ritroverà in questo nuovo quilt. E siccome quasi tutti questi indumenti sono stati o comprati o portati durante una vacanza a Bali (19 anni fa!), lo chiamerò proprio così.

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