Friday, May 1, 2020

Hugs And Kisses // 2

Last December I started a new epp project to have a hand sewing project to bridge time between one thing and another. At that time I thought I would have something to calm me down while preparing for my first ever exhibit. I was too excited about and focused on the exhibit that should have taken place in March to start a new well-thought-out creative project. So I whipped up this idea and was happy to know it would be there for weeks and months and I could always go back to it when I needed a moment of sewing. It should also have served me as a welcome activity during the week of the exhibit while I would be present waiting for visitors to show up. And I would have something on hand to show and explain the process.

Well, the Corona Virus had other plans and I had to let go of mine. A week before the start of the installation I canceled. I hope to make up for it in September but who knows how things will evolve.

And so amongst all the frenzy of adjusting to this new situation, all the worries and the uncertainty related to the Virus and what it is doing to the world, all the attempts of trying to stay up to date with all the news, the anticipation and excitement for my exhibit has been replaced by a total different kind of restlessness. I find myself still unable to create, the mind still going all sorts of direction and unable to stay focused on developing a new quilting project.

More than I could have anticipated this epp project is helping me through these unsettling times. And in the meantime its title has also gained a deeper meaning. Hugs and Kisses. We can't liberally give them these days. We need to keep a physical distance. While I stitch I think about this and marvel of what has come about us. Never would I have imagined that what seems the natural and loving thing to do has now become a DON'T. When will it be RIGHT again?

So during the last weeks I've been calmly stitching this quilt top whenever I had a moment. The weather has been kind and I was happy to sit outside and enjoy the signs of spring. In the meantime the weather has changed and I'm back inside taking the opportunity to say Hi here on my blog.

I'm fine and hope you are too. Be safe and be kind. Hugs and Kisses to you.

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