Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Rome - Rom - Roma

Memories - Erinnerungen - Ricordi

After almost twenty years in 2007 we visited Rome for the second time. We found everything the same. The persimontree we had admired was still standing and in our favorite restaurant we met the same waiter. He even pretented to remember us but we think he was just flattering us in a kind way. The addition of a modern glass elevator to the Vittoriano monument was the only thing we found changed. We enjoyed this familiarity in contrast to our fast changing world.

Im 2007 besuchten wir Rom das zweite Mal nach fast zwanzig Jahren. Wir fanden praktisch alles unverändert vor. Der bewunderte Kakibaum stand noch in der gleichen Pracht und auch der Kellner in unserem Lieblingsrestaurant war noch derselbe. Er wollte sich gar an uns erinnern aber wir blieben doch etwas skeptisch. Lediglich der neue Glaslift am Vittoriano Monument war uns neu und erlaubte die Begehung des Daches und den Genuss der Aussicht. So viel Vertrautheit in unserer schnelllebigen Welt tat uns gut.

Nel 2007 visitammo Roma per la seconda volta dopo quasi venti anni. Rivedemmo posti conosciuti, incluso l'abero di cachi ed il nostro ristorante preferito. Il cameriere addiritura volle ricordarsi di noi, ma noi rimanemmo scettici. L'ascensore di vetro aggiunto al Vittoriano fù l'unico aggiornamento che vedemmo. Davvero una città eterna in un mondo in gran cambiamento.

favorite restaurant - Lieblingsrestaurant - ristorante favorito

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