After two baskets I'm working on something that may become a bag. This material is kind of a synthetic cord or rope. In Switzerland we use it to bundle up paper piles for recycling. I found it at the local autumn fair and thought it would be a perfect material for more sturdy projects. I just finished the orange cord and if I like it or not I have to change to the blue one. I wish I had started with the blue color first so that the bottom would show the darker blue and the top the orange. But maybe it will work out just fine. I have an idea on how to do the handles but I'm just going to try it out while going on. I'm working with no pattern whatsoever on this one. Joy or frustration? I'll keep you posted.
Häkeln mit Synthetik-Packschnur - an der Herbstmesse gekauft. Nach zwei Körben der Versuch einer Tasche. Orange ist aufgebraucht, mit blau geht es weiter. Arbeite ganz spontan und ohne Anleitung. Habe eine Idee betreffend Henkeln. Hoffentlich funktioniert die Improvisation. Freude und Frust sind hier ganz nah beieinander. Mal sehen was die Oberhand behält.
Dopo due cestini ecco il tentativo di una borsa. Il materiale è uno spago sintetico comperato alla fiera d'autunno. La corda di colore arancio è finita, continuo con blu. Lavoro senza istruzioni e improvviso tutto. Ho un'idea di come fare le maniche. Vedremo cosa ne risulterà. Piacere e frustrazione vanno mano nella mano. Cosa avrà il sopravvento?
Ja dann wuensche ich Dir mal fuer das Endresultat viel Glueck dabei :-)