Monday, March 9, 2015

New quilt with new approach // 1

At least a new approach for me it is. I've been taking some lessons in quilt design with Ursula Kern. I'm sure many of you (quilters) know her already but if not I encourage you to go and visit her website. You'll see some astonishing work and marvel at her talent. So am I lucky or am I lucky?

After a series of lessons I've gotten to the point where I'm taking a break and attempting to sew a quilt based on what I learned so far. It is OK with her that I'm sharing here my progress as usual. But it is my decision that since she is still giving classes I'm not going to talk in details about the single steps. I'll mostly let the pictures talk for themselves.

Ursula works with tons of tiny scraps to design a model (a collage) of the quilt to be sewed. For the homework and for personal use she offered me a huge bag of tiny scraps to take home and work with. This alone is kind of a discovery for me and opens up a complete new possibility of approaching quilt design.

So for the first time I began to think about a new quilt by thinking only about the colors I wanted to have in it. Just colors, no thoughts of composition and proportions yet.

Then I started to think about composition...

...making a collage

This is a new kind of starting point for me. Working with tiny scraps of fabric to glue on paper instead of drawing something with a pencil or crayons led to kind of organic forms all by itself. Where did all my straight lines, my geometric forms go?

To be continued...